medi moment | find your center

find your center.png

For times when your energy feels like it’s been scattered around like confetti.

When the voices in the outside world seem so much louder than your own.

When you’re craving a gentle, but powerful drawing inwards.

When you’re ready to release the shackles of constriction and fear.

When you need to be reminded of your true nature.

When your mind is ready to listen to what your heart has to say.

This medi moment is here to help you find your center.



  • CV-17


  • On the midline of the sternum, in a depression level with the junction of the fourth intercostal space and the sternum. (Manual of Acupuncture)

  • For men, this tends to be inline with the nipples. For women, it tends to be a bit higher. Either way, you’ll feel a little divot that your fingertip nestles nicely into, it may be tender to the touch.

Application + Practice:

  • Find a comfortable seat and take note of your current energetic state - what does it feel like to be in your body right now?

  • Apply less than a drop Helichrysum essential oil (optionally diluted in a carrier oil, like fractionated coconut oil) to the tip of one of your pointer fingers.

  • Take a moment to inhale the oil before placing your fingertip on CV-17 and resting it there with a featherlight touch.

  • Press play on the below song, close your eyes, drop your attention to the point of contact between your finger and the acupoint, and take long, slow belly breaths through your nose.

  • Once the song ends, take note of your energetic state once again before opening your eyes - what has shifted?

  • If you feel called, journal a bit on the question: “what does it feel like to find my center?”


  • A Reminder (Remix) - Trevor Hall, East Forest

  • Click the circle logo in the upper right corner of the music player below to open Spotify and play the whole track (it’s 4:45 min) - this will only play a short preview.