presence, not perfection


One of my favorite reminders while practicing breathwork can be applied so beautifully to practically everything else in life: ⁣

✳︎ Presence, not perfection. ✳︎⁣

In breathwork, and in life, there’s no sense in striving for perfection - it’s a fictional thing that pulls us out of our truth and our growth process. Each practice, each session, each moment is new - sometimes it feels rough, sometimes it feels smooth - but there’s medicine to be found in all of it - medicine that we’d miss out on if perfection was our (unattainable) goal. ⁣

I’d much rather allow the wisdom of imperfection: the wobbly breath, the wandering mind, the tension in the body, to guide the way - to show me what’s asking for nourishment. ⁣

When we focus on cultivating the quality of our presence - that’s when we strike gold. That’s when we can sit in the seat of the observer while we tend to and move through what’s right here asking for our care and attention in this moment. It has no agenda other than to be with what is, as it is. No judgement, no manipulation, just pure honesty and compassion. ⁣

Presence is a loving space to land, over and over again. ♥︎