trust in the things you know


In perhaps the most disorienting, ungrounding season of life I can remember - I've received one specific message over and over, from all sorts of varied sources. It's this:

Trust in the things you know without knowing why you know them.

The impact of this advice is only made more potent each time I'm asked to abandon my inner knowing in favor of someone else's opinion. This reminder anchors me back into my intuition - especially in the moments when it feels tempting to override it because what I know in my bones isn't understood or accepted by others.

It's also probably helpful to frame what I mean by the word “know” here - as it relates truth, wisdom, and intelligence.

True wisdom and intelligence aren't born from the mind, because it's clouded by our individual programming, perceptions, desires, and fears. It's not a clear lens to view the world through. 

When something is “known” only through the faculties of the mind, it's not viscerally felt or embodied - and therefore, it's not a whole or complete picture of the situation at hand (everything is energy, after all).

True wisdom and intelligence are innate; truth is felt in the body and filtered through the heart. As humans, connecting with our inner “knowing” should be as natural as breathing, but many of us have been conditioned out of accessing and/or trusting this ever-present portal to clarity. 

Truth isn't bound by needing to be logical - it's vibrational. Just look at the natural world. How many infinitely wise, intelligent life forms don't have brains, yet effortlessly create works of great genius day in and day out? Their spirits are simply always in deep relationship with the energetic currents of life itself.

Our inner knowing is freely available when we're flowing with the energies of life in this way. For humans, this happens by connecting with our bodies, tapping into our hearts, and choosing to favor this kind of quiet, centered guidance over the loud, ungrounded fears of the mind.

On that note, I have a present for you. A free guided meditation journey called Heartful Humanity, that's all about bringing you home to your heart (and thus tapping into this ever-present inner vibrational GPS). 

You can access it here. I love you!